Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May day

2 Blogs 2 days in a row...what?!? Crazy, I know. And tomorrow is Midweek Confessions so we'll have 3 blogs 3 days in a row!

Today is May 1st. May is a special month for me. Riley's birthday is May 4th. Mother's Day is this month. My sister's birthday and anniversary are this month. For some reason this year I feel like May is going to be important. I'm not sure why, but I've been looking forward to May 1st for a while now. Here it is. Doesn't feel very special so far...:shrug:

I need some creativity in my life but I needed a little direction so I decided to do a Photo-A-Day challenge for this month.
This challenge is designed by FatMumSlim


I will probably be sharing my photos on instagram and twitter if you are interested in seeing them. I will also do a recap when the month is over with all the photos from the month.

I am also hopping back on the healthy living bandwagon starting today. Not doing anything extreme or anything, but the plan is to cut out soda for the entire month of May, eat a little better, and exercise a little more.

I don't know why I feel like May is important this year...maybe by the end of it I'll know.

What are you doing with your May?


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